Population, housing, workplace, development, transportation, structure, SES groups, per capita income, consumption statistics are tabulated based on the neighborhood.

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0533 227 96 32

It covers all villages and districts registered to UAVT. There are 32,006 neighborhoods and 18,377 villages in our country. The number of “tied” of the cemetery and the places is 23.955.

Data can be provided in Excel, Csv, SQL, Access, GDB tables.

It will be delivered by e-mail within 1 day.

All Turkey, Canton province, can be obtained from county districts. To visualize the data you receive from a map tool, you can obtain it from AddressHarita if you do not have neighborhood data. “ADD LINK”

It is updated twice a year. The updates are 25% of the data price.

Turkey’s blog where we post the details about the administrative structure: “ADD LINK”